Saturday, May 20, 2006

Junkie without a drug

There's an agility competition in Slovenska Bistrica today, and I'm not there. A shortage of funds and abundance of work conspired to keep me at home this weekend. And now I'm going through withdrawal. Wasting time moping and longing and craving instead of mowing the lawn, digging up the soil, preparing materials for a seminar, and accomplishing myriad other accumulated tasks.

And text messaging my teammates in Slovenska Bistrica, where the news after the first run is: Primož/Aron and France/Kena disqualified, Nuška/Aika ... in first place! Good luck in the second run!

Update: Nuška and Aika got five faults in the second run and came fourth overall. Or, as Primož put it, "je dosegla nehvaležno 4. mesto." Never mind--fourth place is an impressive achievement, cup or no cup.


Blogger Lilit said...

But you're listed on the štartna lista for Bistrica... how come?

8:39 PM, May 22, 2006  
Blogger Jean said...

I registered in the optimistic hope that I would be able to go, but decided against it on Friday. I'm completely out of money until the 25th of the month, and I had (and still have) a ton of work (like you and your prijava!) to get done.

In the end I didn't get that much work done even staying home, and I regret not going. However, the lack of funds still holds--I would have had to borrow some for gas and entry fee, and I'm already enough in debt. I did consider robbing someone in order to support my habit...but decided against it, for moral and practical reasons.

This weekend, while you have your Alpine River reunion, we may be getting together with Oli's breeders and her littermate Bryce in Austria. Not definite yet, but that was also a factor in why I decided to stay home last weekend, since we may be trveling this coming one.

11:08 AM, May 23, 2006  

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